My Prayer







I have been using these words as a tool for rewiring my brain. When I’m stuck in my head, I remind myself that I’m overly identifying with my thinking brain. In moments I experience floods of energy, I tap in with myself: “YOU’RE FEELING right now”. Labeling in this way heightens my awareness so I can see more clearly how each thought arising is a choice. Through this practice I develop agency.

The practice deepened when I created a mantra for each level of existence. The statements speak to what I’m currently calling into my reality. As a new thought enters my mind, I can easily position it alongside my prayer to see if it’s in contrast or alignment. It’s often quite simple to identify from this seat. I toss whatever isn’t true to make room for what is; all the while getting extremely honest with myself.


My relationship with community & myself is authentic.

For the first time in my life I can wholeheartedly describe my relationships as healthy. I’ve felt the high frequency of coexistence. To say nothing compares just doesn’t do it justice. Similarly, words couldn’t describe the depth that exists within conscious relating… screw it though, I’ll definitely try.

POV: You’re looking up at a sky full o stars ✨ You can see each little spec as you connect the dots to illustrate a credible constellation. But had you ever considered the miles that exist between each handful of stars? When you remember that the sky isn’t flat but more far-reaching than our sweet little minds could ever fully comprehend…that’s the boundless depth I’m speaking to.


My work feeds my freedom.

You can DO both consciously & in service. In contrast to this, & what you’ll see most often, is an over association with what one does. It makes sense too no? We all take residence in various roles- caretaker, peacemaker, rebel child…

My current roles position me to deliver what I am meant to deliver. What I DO fulfills my Dharma *a soul’s true purpose. I’m transforming the industry in which I serve through sharing what works for me. It doesn’t get more pure than that. My success depends on my ability to lift others. It’s just as simple as it is revolutionary. I’m leaving a legacy without overly identifying.


My thoughts foster compassion + trust.

Doubt is my default. Everyday I have to wake up & remind myself how I want to think. A wise teacher, Elena Brower, said it just right:

“In order to come back to a state of trust, we have to see & feel what doubt still lives in us.”

To know it’s okay to shed doubt everyday is where you’ll find massive amounts of compassion. Each of us host our own unique inner council; working on our behalf to strengthen us for comprehension. All we’ve gotta do is ask ourselves the right questions:

When I’m at my strongest, what voices am I listening to?

To trust is to let go of the thought that things are small + contracted so you can show up. The courage required is the risk that opens us to safety as trust becomes the replacement for control.


I embody my truest self unapologetically.

To take action towards self respect everyday is to be empowered. From an empowered space, we can express ourselves fully & without hesitation. To know that it is not your responsibility how you are received is the key to your magnetism.


I originally wrote my prayer to say ‘I AM a warrior + healer’. I sit with it now & I’m certain it can’t be narrowed in this way. The I AM is just as much a spec of dirt as it is the roaring goddess Sekhmet. Just as one person is every person, you’re it! The more you slow down with yourself enough to experience your breath, the more this concept reveals itself to you.