Soil Revolution

Soil Revolution

So what is PURIUM?

Simply put, Purium is an online superfoods store. The mission, vision, and sourcing that surrounds their offerings is what really sets them apart because YES I know that everyone and their mom has been selling you meal replacement shakes and supplements since the stone ages. The health epidemic we currently face creates a diet culture that’s not only saturated but has deep deep pockets. Profit hungry companies understand this and you should too.

The message that I wholeheartedly want to connect you with is that the Purium superfoods are not a meal replacement. I even like to stray away from using the words cleanse or detox when I’m sharing these tools simply because they are deeply nourishing. That’s the difference here.

When I worked as a health coach in the diet industry, I was sharing products that were stock piled with artificial sweeteners, preservatives, aspartame…I could go on. Labels sell you on how their product “fuels” you but if we’re being honest, this is just another prime example of consumerism. There is a difference between the commodities you are being sold and actual nourishment on a cellular level.

That obviously begs the question, what could Purium possibly be doing differently? The answer to that is multifaceted because the company is creating legacy in more than just their farming practices and product quality but we’ll stick to the revolution they’re creating by providing the solution in the soil.

The Solution is in the SOIL.

What we are witnessing today within our farming practices is downright scary; a costly devastation that we are handing to the next seven generations. Not only is monocropping stripping our soils of vital nutrients but we are drenching our harvests with chemicals such as glyphosate.

This glyphosate gets into your gut and destroys your delicate microbiome which is directly linked to your mental health- coincidence? Probably. This then hinders your ability to fully absorb the nutrients from your food. So yes, you are understanding that correctly… your whole foods are harvested in depleted soils so they are already lacking nutrients and then to top if off your gut is destroyed and can hardly absorb what’s left.

The end result?

Generational depletion of the soil plus a good ol dose of Monsanto’s chemicals has us walkin’ around starving for nutrients. It’s not an exaggeration to say that we are sick. So I’m upset. I’m angry at this system because it is failing us. I’m hurting because I understand that so so many of us aren’t even experiencing what it means to be truly nourished, to understand ourselves nourished, and to become human.

& you know I get it. It’s a tricky thing to change this system but if there’s one thing that I know about activism, it’s that it thrives when we start small. We start with ourselves and then onto our families. We then share with our direct communities and so the ripple becomes a flood.

This is the work that sets my soul on fire. I was crying when I wrote that last section and now I’m laughing because Purium isn’t just another shake company. I used to get nervous about sharing the products as if y’all would think I was just selling some shakes, but now I know that Purium is like my pitchfork in the air to start a soil revolution and I’m so far from ashamed of this work.

Purium products are whole, raw, organic, plant powered, concentrated green superfoods. They are grown in deep, rich soil through regenerative farming practices with partners that have been growing certified organic food for generations. They are located in geographical locations hundreds of miles away from any polluting industry and harvested at peak potential for nutritional potency. Pure water and a propriety process that sustains the vital life force of the food on site without heat or preservatives to top it off!

So because this is a peaceful revolution, I’ll reframe from drilling a fucking hole in the side of Monsantos head and focus on what I can control and that’s me. I control how I nourish and how I share my energy with the world which I’ve chosen to be this. Partnering with a superfoods company that is involved in every step of the process between the farm and your family. Sharing this gift of nourishment so that everything else can fall in line because that’s truly how this all works.

When we heal the soil. We heal Mama Earth. We heal our delicate little guts and restore ourselves back to clarity. When our guts can communicate with our brain and then our hearts, our intuition will come in full force. We’ll start to wake up from this nightmare as we lift the veil revealing what we have become. It’s only then that we can show up in a way that honors not only our children and their children but our ancestors that are about to be cheering from the heavens that we have finally arrived.

Help me widen my reach by sharing these words. Promise to share your voice too. Reach out to me for resources. I’ve got petitions to sign. Scientific articles to educate. & YES, coupon codes for 25% off your Purium products.

USE CODE: manifestoyoga at