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Wellness Tools

These energetic tools guide you in designing your energy. By adding these practices to your tool kit, you will engage with your life through meaning making and ritual. You will learn and unlearn how to manage the ghost of overwhelm to expand. You will build trust with yourself again. Igniting your intuition and interrupting patterns that no longer serve.

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essential oils

These handcrafted blends are formulated to propel you forward on the path to your desired transformation. Simply set your intention to choose the essential oil that resonates with the energy you most need. Within 22 seconds the molecules will reach your brain. 2 minutes later it can be found in the bloodstream. By 20 minutes, the oils will have affected every cell in your body.

Made with DoTerra CPTG certified essential oils.


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mala bracelets

Mala is a Sanskrit word for ‘meditation garland’ and is used by Buddhists to count mantras for japa (to recite) meditation. Holding the bracelet in the left hand, one thoughtfully counts each bead for each repetition of a chanted mantra.

These hand made mala bracelets each symbolize different energetics. There is a single porous lava bead in which you can add essential oil to diffuse as you engage with your meditation practice.

Wear it on your wrist daily as a reminder of your commitment to self-care and growth.

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the collective

The Collective started simply. It was a vision for providing my community with the resources they needed to vote with their dollars to support small business.

My circle has been filled up with so many inspiring artists, healers, and all-around BOLD individuals. I knew there was a way to foster space in order to dream weave together.

This collective space is my prayer. A mission and vision that was rooted in provided a resource that has transformed into a conscious creation; an active step in creating the world in which we seek to awaken. Please join me in lifting these creatives by supporting their work.


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