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Photography by Nik Linde


Paige LABreche

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About Me

I found yoga and then I found healing. Shortly after, I discovered my voice and the work that is in keeping with my intrinsic dignity. I have uncovered countless tools that have led me to redesigning what I rehearse in my mind so that I could completely transform my life.

I want to share what I’ve learned about the exploration of the tools that reel us back into our true essence. I want to share how movement gets your body listening so that your mind will follow. I want to share with you how to be constantly seeking in pursuit of what sets your heart on fire.

For so long I convinced myself that I needed to learn more, grow more, or feel like my life was completely put together prior to releasing any of this work. But if we’re being real, THE WORK IS NEVER DONE. I just needed to get BRAVE and share with you as I go along.

My work, my mission, my vision is to grow so I can teach. As I teach, I’ll keep growing and I promise to keep sharing.





Certified Exercise Physiologist, American College of Sports Medicine

Bachelor of Science - Fitness Wellness, Northern Arizona University

200-Hour Yoga Teacher, Northern Arizona Yoga Center

Trauma Informed Yoga Teacher, SHERecovers

CPR/AED, American Red Cross



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