Essential Oils For Exercise

DoTerra Breathe

You probably know lavender oil is great for relaxation or that you can diffuse essential oils in your room to make your space smell extra yummy but once you start really diving into essential oils, you’ll come to find that they serve as a tool for living your healthiest lifestyle far beyond just diffusing a little lavender. I wanted to create space on my website for how I use oils in my daily routine to up level my health + wellness because I’ve had so many people reach out wanting to understand more and educate themselves so that their oils aren’t just sitting on the self collecting dust. I’m going to dive into how I totally revamped my workout routine and exercise recovery with the use of three different essential oils.


To Open My Airways & Get Me Breathin’

DoTerra Breathe is a blend specifically formulated to promote the feeling of clear airways and easy breathing. I personally own a 10ml roller bottle thats diluted with fractionated coconut oil so that I can rub it directly on my chest before a workout. If any of my yogis are reading, this blend is stinkin’ great for pranayama (breath work) prior to your asana (physical practice). This blend is also a huge game changer for those that experience seasonal threats, win win.


To Keep Me Cool & Get Me Goin’

If you follow me on social media, you may have seen me post videos taking a ‘peppermint bomb’ which is my all time favorite way to use this oil. I put one little drop of oil in my hand, rub my palms together, and then making an okay sign with my fist, I inhale the peppermint oil directly into my lungs. Then BOOM, I’m awake and invigorated for my workout without having to take in 200mg of caffeine via pre workout. Back when I still lived through humid Minnesota summers, I’d put diluted peppermint oil on my belly, back, and neck before a run to stay cool!

SIDE NOTE OF CAUTION: One time I thought it’d be a great idea to put peppermint oil on the back on my neck + temples prior to a hot yoga class… wrong. BAD IDEA. I was in downward facing dog with peppermint sweat dripping into my eyes. Simply put, don’t do that. Keep the peppermint on deck when you know you’re going to be upright!


To Aid With Recovery & Feel Damn Good

Deep Blue Rub is one of Doterra’s best selling items- think Tiger Balm but yummy essential oils + a minty aroma. I rub this on my elbows and knees prior to lifting or running because it wakes me up and feels damn good. I rub it on after workouts in any sore areas to aid with muscle recovery and take the edge off. I love love love putting in on my wrists + forearms prior to my yoga practice as well. You can basically rub deep blue all over, all the time and feel its kick ass results.

I’m a total nerd recently when it comes to learning and engaging with essential oils. I give a lot of credit to them for helping me ditch my most unhealthy habits. Engaging with these oils before and after exercise has helped me let go of the pre workout which not only had a silly amount of caffeine but a ton of other additives that I didn’t want in my body. With this I significantly lowered my caffeine intake. This is saying a lot for the former barista that downed espresso shots before, during, and after every shift throughout college.

There is also a lot to be said about the intention behind the use of essential oils. When I’m ready for my workout, and I grab for my oils, I’m tapping into my personal self-care routine. I’m telling my body to get ready to work. Your ability to push yourself during exercise is enormously mental so when you take the time to apply a bit of oil with intention, you are literally telling your body and your cells to GET READY!