The Practice

Photography by Mariah Swanstrom

Photography by Mariah Swanstrom

Mala bracelets and essential oils pair powerfully as wellness tools but you’ve gotta know how to use them to create some magic. If you’re new to mediation or aromatherapy, this blog post will give you all the juicy knowledge necessary to craft your practice using the two as tools with a mantra.

Mala Bracelets

Mala bracelets have 21 beads and are a smaller counterpart to the 108 bead mala necklace. Vedic culture has traditionally viewed the number 108 as the wholeness of existence. It’s a number that connects the Sun, Moon, and Earth. 108 has given rise to many examples of ritual significance:

  • 108 Pithas (sacred sites) throughout India

  • 108 Upanishads

  • 108 Marma points (sacred places of the body)

Mala is a Sanskrit word for ‘meditation garland’ and is used by Buddhists to count mantras for japa (to recite) meditation. Holding the bracelet in the left hand, one thoughtfully counts each bead for each repetition of a chanted mantra.

Explore Mala Bracelets


Mana translates to mind and tra means tool; Mantra is a tool for the mind. Your mantra is a word or phrase that you chant, whisper, or silently recite to access your higher power or true nature. Mantras enliven over time and with regular practice. I suggest you stick with the same one for several months in order for its power to really open up to you. Although tradition says to keep your mantra a secret; I will share with you a few I have used in the past to spark some inspiration.

“My attention is my prayer. I am. I feel. I do.”

“I trust myself to hold myself accountable.”

“I do enough. I have enough. I am enough.”

“Sky above me. Earth below me. Fire within me.”

Choose any mantra that resonates with you. Don’t overthink it. Simple is good.

If you are seeking guidance. Reach out. It’s often that individuals are given a mantra from a mentor. I’m here to help.

The Manifest Wellness 7 Day Plan is an also a great source of knowledge for establishing a meditation practice as well as working with a mantra.

Essential Oils

Essential oils are compounds extracted from plants that retain the natural smell and essence of their source. Plants produce essential oils for the same reason that we use them:

  • To repel/attract

  • To communicate with other plants

  • For immunity

  • For reducing free radicals

When you use an essential oil it only takes 22 seconds for the molecules to reach your brain. 2 minutes later the molecules can be found in your bloodstream. By 20 minutes, the oils will have affected every cell in your body. There are different energetics associated with each oil making them a sacred catalyst to change. Each Mala in the Manifesto Yoga collection contains a single porous lava bead, or guru bead, in which you can add essential oil to diffuse as you engage with your meditation practice.

Note: Manifesto blends are made with Doterra CPTG certified essential oils and diluted with fractionated coconut oil. They are pure, potent, and gentle enough for direct skin contact.

Explore Custom Blends

Learn About Essential Oils for Exercise

Pulling Them All Together To Create Ceremony

Using your Mala bracelet with a Mantra + Essential oil:

  1. Choose a comfy spot and sit with your spine tall.

  2. Grab your essential oil and either place a drop directly onto the lava bead or use a roller bottle to roll onto your wrist. Then roll the lava bead over where you placed the oil on your wrist in order for it to absorb the essence of the oil.

  3. Bring your wrists up to your nose and take a few deep breaths into your belly space in order to center and align with your intention.

  4. Hold your mala in your left hand, draped between your middle and index fingers. Starting at the guru bead (lava bead), use your thumb and index finger to count each smaller bead as you recite your mantra 1x per bead.

  5. When you approach the guru bead after making a full round, instead of passing over it, simply reverse direction and begin again. You avoid passing over the guru bead because it symbolizes stepping over your teacher. Completing five rotations full rotations.

I’m honored to share this practice with you. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have absolutely any additional questions on how to use these magical wellness tools.

If you experienced healing through the incorporation of this practice, creating ritual and ceremony, I would love to hear your story.

I’ll leave you with this quote by Dr. Edward Bach.

“The medical school of the future will not particularly interest itself in the ultimate results and products of disease, nor will it pay so much attention to actual physical lessons, or administer drugs or chemicals merely for the sake of palliating our symptoms but knowing the true cause of sickness and aware that the obvious physical results are merely secondary, it will concentrate its efforts upon bringing about harmony between mind, body, and soul which results in the relief and cure of disease.

Amongst the types of remedies that will be used will be those obtained from the most beautiful plants and herbs to be found in the pharmacy of nature such as have been divinely enriched with healing powers for the mind and body of man.”

-Dr. Edward Bach