Magical Awakenings Truth Totem Deck

Magical Awakenings Truth Totem Deck


This oracle deck was created to awaken your belief in the magic around you and within you. When you believe in magic, you allow God/Universe to speak! Our lives are so busy that we forget to slow down long enough for our magic to appear. We fill our minutes, hours, and days rapidly with our agendas. Our minds are full of what we have to do.

My wish for you is for this deck to support you in your divine life journey, that you will take the moments needed to ask for divine guidance through these cards, and as you receive messages you will awaken to all the magic in your life.

Believe and it will come! There are four Spirit Cards found within your deck. They are the Magic Feather, Lucky Penny, Heart Rock, and Rainbow cards. If you happen to draw one of these cards, allow your childlike curiosity to rise and feel the special magic each of them brings!

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How to use the '“Magical Awakening” Truth Totem Deck

First, hold the cards close to your heart. They take on your energy, connecting you to the messages. There is no right or wrong way to use these cards. They’ll guide and inspire while leading you towards your divine life path


1) Fan or spread the cards and ask a question you’d like direction on. This isn’t a yes or no question, but rather a situation or challenge you want guidance on. For example, ask: What should I watch for in my new job opportunity? Now draw a card. You may feel the card isn’t fitting, but sit with it for a time and soon the wisdom will surface and you’ll realize the perfect message.

2) I love to draw a card for the day, asking source to open me to what I best be aware of today.

3) If you have an event or challenge ahead, choose a card to empower you and keep it close at hand.

4) Draw one card, focus on the color and animal. Feel and radiate their magic, love, and energy!

Love + Light, Bonnie