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Photography by the lovely Leah Fassett

Day 7 That’s a Wrap



So we uncovered A TON in 7 days.

Let’s review.




You created a personal mantra. That’s a big deal. Are you using it?

Remember that mantras can be used as tools for meditation but they can also be used whenever and where ever. Feeling overwhelmed? Underwhelmed? Use your mantra. The more you use it, the more meaning will unfold.




You experienced both East Forest and Liquid Bloom through guided meditation. After that, you took a big leap... you ditched the music.

Now ask yourself this.

How will you continue to engage with your practice?

If you’re struggling to see your next step or stay consistent. Let’s chat. Realistic goals and expectations are key. I can help.





You were guided through crafting your most aligned writing practice. Now keep coming back to your WHY and your efforts will stick tight.

You can write me a thank you letter 10 years from now when you have old entries to sort through and reflect on. You’re growing. Document it.

Morning Routine



We were simple when it came to establishing your morning routine- add one thing, subtract another. But because morning is well…morning. This simple task may still be shady or possibly non-existent for you.

I can’t deny that I woke up this morning and totally groaned at the amount of sleep I got.

Subtraction for tomorrow? Ditch the groan.

Addition for tomorrow? Morning DaNCE woop woop!

View it through this lens and your morning routine will slowly transform.

Again, keep it simple.

Essential Oils



You learned some of the basics behind essential oils like why plants produce them as well as why we use them. I shared with you some of my favorites and hopefully sparked some inspo to engage with the oils. I can’t stress enough how much they have helped me fully tap into my self-care routine with heightened awareness as well as intention. I’d encourage you all to reach out for a wellness consult to determine how you can up-level your wellness with an oil routine that fits your top wellness goals.


 This is your necessary reminder that transformational change is a process. Be patient with yourself.

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