
Day 6 Essential Livin’



Let’s talk about essential oils.


Where does a plant store essential oils?

  • Internally (in the leaf or petal)

  • Externally (think of fresh rosemary & how you can run your hand along it & immediately smell its goodness)

  • Secretory (ie. ginger!)


Why do plants produce essential oils?

For the same reasons we use them!

  • To repel/attract

  • To communicate with other plants

  • For immunity

  • For reducing free radicals

When essential oils are sourced, the material comes from a variety of sources such as the flower, flowering tops, fruits, zests, grasses, leaves, needles, twigs, resins, roots, seeds, and woods.

I’m essentially obsessed with oils. I use them day in and day out to stay in tune with myself as well as whatever comes up. Below I’ve shared some info on a few of my favorites. If you are seeking to incorporate oils into your self-care routine…REACH OUT! We can get on a call for a wellness consult to establish which oils you’d benefit from the most.


Mood Boost: Red Mandarin


Citrus oils are my go to for uplift- Mandarin specifically! It is one of the parent fruits of all modern citrus varieties. Try it topically by applying 1-3 drops with a carrier oil (ie. fractionated coconut oil). Apply around navel, wrists, or behind ears. I also like to rub it all over my heart space and take a big deep inhale. All DoTerra Oils are CPTG certified which means they can be taken internally. Try a drop of citrus oil in your water for a refresh- tangerine oil is a yummy option as well!


Relaxation: Lavender

Even if you’re new to essential oils, you’ve likely been introduced to lavender as a form of aromatherapy. It’s calming effects have been used for centuries. I use this oil in my yoga classes to provide students with essential oil massage at the end for final savasana. Try it in a diffuser before bed. No diffuser? No problem. You can mix the oil with distilled water in a spray bottle and spritz your pillow as a part of your bedtime routine.


Belly/Digestion: DigestZen

Wanna be zen but can’t keep your cool with a belly ache? This is my go to. It’s already prediluted with fractionated coconut oil so you can rub it all over your belly when its upset or just use it after meals to aid with digestion. I keep it in my purse at all times when traveling.


King of Oils: Frankincense

Where do I even begin when it comes to good ol’ frank. For starters, its the king of oils and made from a resin. Its warm and spicy. I like to put one drop on my thumb and then hold my thumb on the roof of my mouth for a few seconds to start my morning. It helps my mood. It reminds me to slow down and tune in. I also love love love using it for skin imperfections- break outs, stretch marks, you name it.

One of the reasons I am a wellness advocate for Doterra is because of their constant effort for sustainable sourcing. The plant sources for the oils all come from where they are naturally grown in the world. The individuals who harvest are paid fairly and year round despite growing seasons. This results in economic uplift for the communities they work with. Below I have linked a video for the harvesting of Frankincense.


Interested in getting your hands on some essential oils?

By purchasing through the link provided below, I will be assigned as your wellness advocate. This means that you’ll have me by your side for any questions or guidance regarding the oils as well as access to online educational resources + community.

Want oils but don’t know where to start?

Book a wellness consultation with me. We’ll chat about life as well as your wellness goals in order to establish a few oils to start incorporating. This way you know you are getting exactly what you need in order to up level your wellness.

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