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Day 4 Application


For today’s meditation, we are going to make a crucial leap and ditch the music. This step is essential because music, especially music with lyrics, can evoke emotion that’s not necessarily ours to consume. It’s a distraction and its often times pulling you from recognizing where you’re truly at. Today, we’ll try this instead…

Sitting tall in your spine, or from laying down, take deep breaths. Focus your energy on pulling the breath out of the chest and fully into the belly. Employ any senses you can to connect deeper to your breath; whether that be the sound of your inhalation flowing into your body or maybe the feeling of your breath passing by your nostrils. Allow the sensations to bring you into the present moment. Take your time to set yourself up and fully relax before moving onto the next step.

When you feel ready, take this time in meditation to repeat the mantra you created on Day 1 silently to yourself. Say it as many times as you’d like. Listen to your mind, body, and spirit as your mantra unfolds a deeper meaning. Sit still and listen. What is your body trying to tell you?

Day 4 Journal



Allow yesterday’s journal brainstorm to cement in today. Maybe you choose a short ‘n sweet approach and employed a bff to hold you accountable to journal every day. Maybe you decided to hold yourself accountable and engage once at the beginning of every month. Reflect on what you outlined and begin to take necessary action steps.

Here’s my action. Hold me accountable folks!

I’m going to take a leap of faith and employ the social media accountability style and let you all know that I’m going to journal everyday, starting today. I’m going to use my Practice You journal to guide my writing and inspire. I will post daily on social media so you have permission to troll me if I fall off.

If you are seeking some inspiration for your writing practice or just looking for a beautiful journal, Practice You by Elena Brower helped me make huge shifts in ability to reflect back positively on my life.

If you also chose to hold yourself accountable via social media #manifestoyoga so I can follow your journey!