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Day 2 Morning Routine

Let’s talk about morning routine. 

Take a moment to consider your mornings. What do they look like right now? Maybe you have the same smoothie every day for breakfast or lay your clothes out the night ahead. That’s great.

What I’m going to ask you to do is to consider the grimy details as well. For instance, when you hit snooze twice (okay, three times) before getting out of bed or possibly the fact that your first thought of the day was rooted in scarcity such as ‘not enough sleep’.

Try not to peg anything as inherently good or bad. Just see your current routine for what it is and examine.

It wasn’t until I attended my most recent yoga teacher training that I started to really give my morning routine focused energy. The women who attended shared with me all the different ways in which they started their mornings; whether it be with dance, affirmations, meditation, journaling… YOU NAME IT. The common thread being intention. 

Today our intention is to create space for our mornings. We’ll start simply by adding one thing and subtracting another. 

Day 2 Journal



How are you going to craft your morning routine? What’s not working and what is? What will you add? What will you subtract? 

Additions to your morning routine can be as simple as putting both of your feet firmly on the ground when you get up and smiling. Maybe you subtract hitting that snooze button.

Little tweaks add up. Start small.

Day 2 Meditation



Below I have provided a link to a meditation by Liquid Bloom. My experience with this song began at a festival in Minnesota, called Project Earth, where a friend invited me to a group meditation where the song was performed live by some friends. I had always been interested in a meditation practice and had worked at it many times, but this was the first instance where I experienced how profound a session could truly be. It lit the fire for my continued exploration of the practice. ENJOY!


PSA this is the festival family.

Harmony Park
Festy Family