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Let’s talk about mantra.

Mana translates to mind and tra means tool; Mantra is a tool for the mind. Your mantra is a word or phrase that you chant, whisper, or silently recite to access a higher power or true nature. Mantras enlivened over time and with regular practice. I suggest you stick with the same one for several months for its power to really open up to you. Although tradition says to keep your mantra a secret; I will share with you a few I have used in the past to spark some inspiration.

“My attention is my prayer. I am. I feel. I do.”

“I trust myself to hold myself accountable.”

“I do enough. I have enough. I am enough.”

*This is a good one if you are struggling to grasp an abundance mindset

“Sky above me. Earth below me. Fire within me.”

I have a love/hate relationship with this one because it references all the elements besides air but it’s been with me for a while so I let it slide and take a deep inhale instead.

Day 1 Journal



Create a mantra that resonates with you. Don’t overthink it. Simple is good.

If you are seeking guidance. Reach out. Its often that individuals are given a mantra from a mentor. I’m here to help.


Day 1 Meditation



Meditate to the song ‘I am Loving Awareness’ by East Forest/Ram Dass.


My all time favorite, Elena Brower, has a podcast with the artist, East Forest. They dive deep into the creation of this album; made with and in honor of American spiritual teacher Ram Dass. A link to the podcast is provided below so you can expand on the story behind your meditation practice for Day 1.